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Python Niger Community

Our Mission

Our current mission is to train 1500 youth of any gender in Python skills within the next five years in Niger Republic.

We Visioned a future full of:

Empowered Youth

The community sees a generation of empowered youth equipped with Python skills, capable of leveraging technology for innovation, problem-solving, and contributing to the global tech landscape.

Thriving Tech Ecosystem

Through its efforts, the community envisions the growth of a vibrant and dynamic technology ecosystem in Niger Republic. This includes the emergence of startups, tech-driven projects, and increased participation in the broader global tech community.

Employability and Opportunities

The Python Niger Community envisions creating opportunities for its trained youth, enhancing their employability and providing a pathway for them to actively contribute to the development of the local and global tech industry

Inclusive Learning Culture

The vision includes fostering an inclusive learning culture where individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences come together to learn, share, and collaborate. This contributes to a supportive and inclusive tech community.

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